0 Unknown Google plans to launch the brand new Android O. Do you know how secure it is? Welcome fellows! First things first - Can you hear that weird little beeping sound? Can you feel that noise?? Like something coming in... 0 Comments 0 Unknown Ransomware - A serious security threat for your PC Suppose, you have a personal computer and you use it every day just like everyone else does. Now, one day you wake up, log on to your com... 0 Comments Newer Posts Home About Me Hi! I'm Shourov. :) A CSE Graduate. Amateur Blogger. A Technology Lover. If you like technology, your are at the right place! Welcome to my blog :) Popular Posts Google plans to launch the brand new Android O. Do you know how secure it is? Welcome fellows! First things first - Can you hear that weird little beeping sound? Can you feel that noise?? Like something coming in... Ransomware - A serious security threat for your PC Suppose, you have a personal computer and you use it every day just like everyone else does. Now, one day you wake up, log on to your com... ADs Labels Cloud Android O Android Security Computer Security featured Malware Ransomware Smartphone Security Labels List Numbered Android O Android Security Computer Security featured Malware Ransomware Smartphone Security Video of the day